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Quote Hero

Tired of navigating multiple carrier portals and non-stop email exchanges to pull quotes, getting back disjointed quote information and losing customers due to the messy and expensive process?

Veruna’s Quote Hero was born to revolutionize this antiquated system, offering a streamlined solution for independent insurance brokers and agents.

Get Started Today

Close Business Faster

Let's go! Quoting faster keeps you competitive, preventing opportunities from slipping through the cracks. 

Manage Quotes in a Single Solution

No more endless emails, countless portals or papers all over - your quotes come and go right where they belong.

Two-Way Comparative Rater Integration

Request quotes directly with your favorite comparative rater and have them returned right back in Veruna.

Be a Better Advocate

With side-by-side quote comparisons, you can give your clients the best options at the best prices.

Automatic ACORD Form Generation

When ACORD forms are needed, Veruna automatically populates the right ones and sends them in bulk.

Improve Carrier Relationships

With data returned right into your single solution, you can better understand carrier appetites and penetration.

Veruna's Quote Hero seamlessly enables quoting and advising your clients all within one platform. Accelerate your quote-to-bind with a solution that is integrated into your daily workflows. Are you ready to improve your agents' and clients' experience and earn more business?

See Quote Hero in Action


Be the HERO your clients deserve.

Unlock your agency's superpower with Veruna's Quote Hero.

Become a Hero Today

Learn More about Quote Hero


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